Southland Regional Council (Environment Southland) uses reasonable endeavours to ensure that the information it provides is accurate, complete, and up-to-date. However, professional or specialist advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action on the basis of this information. Environment Southland does not give any guarantee, undertaking or warranty concerning the accuracy, completeness, or up-to-date nature of the information and, to the extent permitted by law, Environment Southland will not be liable for any loss, liability or costs suffered or incurred as a result of any reliance placed on this information. Please be aware that Environment Southland may review or update the information that it holds, but is under no obligation to notify you of any change to the information. If you wish to ensure that any of the information is consistent with the information currently held by Environment Southland, you will need to make an additional request. If you share this information with others, you must attribute Environment Southland as the source of the information and put the recipient on notice of this disclaimer.
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